What is RAS and how does it work?


What is RAS and how does it work?

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) represent the future of intensive fish farming. Only in RAS is it possible to breed fish intensively and in a fully controlled environment but, at the same time, ecologically and sustainably, with minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystems.

Principles of RAS

RAS recirculating systems are characterised by high fish production, significantly low water source requirements and very limited discharge pollution. The fish in RAS systems are fed exclusively with granulated feedstuff respecting the specific requirements of individual fish species. RAS technology is environmentally friendly, sustainable and efficient.


  • High stocking rate in a small area

  • Absence of predators

  • Elimination of diseases from the external environment

  • Low water consumption

  • Minimal impact on surrounding ecosystems

  • Optimal conditions for growth all year round

  • RAS can be built almost anywhere

  • Stable and controlled environment, efficient operation

  • Significant subsidy support from EU funds

  • Sustainable production

Fish bred on Future Farming’s farms

Watch the video to find out which freshwater fish species we breed and under what conditions they live on our farms.

Our farms and technologies

There are three basic aquaponic systems: NFT, DWC and MB. Each of them is suitable for a different type of farm and production. These systems are also used on our aquaponic farms, where we combine state-of-the-art technology with the latest research, all with respect for the environment. Find out more in our video.


Recirculating aquaculture systems represent the future of fish farms. They provide many advantages over conventional ones. Take a look at the five most important ones.

5 REASONS FOR RAS Benefits of recirculating aquaculture systems

RAS technology is greener, more sustainable and more efficient than conventional fish farming. It is chemical-free, works in winter and people have less work with it.

Space saving

Water saving

Energy saving

High production

Healthy eating

Take a look at Future Farming’s aquaponic farm in Kaly

An aquaponic, ecological, research and educational farm – this is our farm in Kaly, north of Brno.

Here, we focus on rainbow trout farming and grow leafy vegetables, herbs and micro-greens in the vegetable section. The indoor part of the farm produces crops all year round.

Future Farming offers technologies for modern agriculture


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