Beneficial bacteria play a key role in the aquaponic cycle – the nutrient cycle. Just as humans have up to 10 kg of bacteria in their intestines to efficiently absorb nutrients from food, in the aquaponic system, these bacteria convert the products of fish metabolism into nutrients for the plants. The first bacteria colony lives in the intestines of fish, where it processes food. The second colony lives in biological filters. Both colonies are monitored and replenished if necessary. The key is to use good quality feed the bacteria are used to, and the whole process works very efficiently. Suppose the bacterial colonies become disrupted, for example, by using chemicals or antibiotics. In that case, fermentation or putrefaction processes will take over, and the aquaponic system will cease functioning. It will simply collapse. This means that the use of these substances is unacceptable in aquaponics. The colonies consist of a collection of several dozen bacterial species that do exactly what is needed together. In this area, we have invested heavily in researching suitable bacteria species, which is a core part of our know-how. Improper handling of food and bacteria is the most common reason aquaponics does not work for people or collapses.
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