The largest aquaponic farm in the Czech Republic has sold out its entire production for 2024

The largest aquaponic farm in the Czech Republic has sold out its entire production for 2024

The huge aquaponic farm in Brno – Heršpice, under the management of Future Farming, was a stunning success, having sold out this year’s entire production in January and before the completion of its construction. With growing demand from Farmia Food, the farm is now looking to expand its capacity, bringing even more healthy and sustainable food to the Czech market.

Today, with food quality and sustainability becoming key issues, modern farming methods play a key role in our ecosystem. One such innovative technology is advanced aquaponics, and our aquaponic farm in Brno Heršpice is at the forefront of this revolution.

Future Farming not only develops, but also standardizes and supplies its successful modern technologies on farms domestically and abroad. The mission of these farms is to bring sustainability, efficiency and also quality to our food.

Brno – Heršpice: Home of the largest aquaponic farm in the Czech Republic

In the very heart of Brno Heršpice is our largest aquaponic production farm. And already now we have great news – this year’s entire production of this farm is sold out! This gives us a clear signal that people support sustainable farming methods and the production of high quality food.

Surprising demand and the need to expand capacity

With the imminent completion of the last of the farm’s three blocks, we expect the demand for the production of this aquaponic farm in the Brno region to increase even further. In response to the sell-out of this year’s production, the farm is preparing to launch all blocks and start full production. This is also due to increased demand from Farmia Food, the largest distributor of aquaponic food on the Czech market.

Farmia Food: The largest partner in the supply of aquaponic foods to the Czech market

Farmia Food has become a synonym for quality aquaponic food on the Czech market. Today it supplies wholesale chains and e-shops with food. And its partnership with Future Farming means that customers can expect an even greater availability and range of sustainable foods in its range.

Expanding the capacity of the Brno’s farm and increasing production

The situation where our Brno farm needs to expand its capacity due to high demand shows that we are on the right track. Increased production of aquaponic foods will not only meet market demand, but also promote sustainability and reduce the ecological footprint.

The aquaponic farm in Brno-Heršpice is an example of how modern technology can revolutionise traditional agriculture. Their success and sold-out production for 2024 is an encouraging sign that people are willing to invest in sustainable food and support innovation in agriculture. We look forward to seeing how this farm will continue to contribute to a better and more sustainable future for food in the South Moravian region and beyond.

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